Friday, May 31, 2019

China’s Nuclear Program :: Asian Studies Foreign Policy

Chinas Nuclear ProgramIntroduction Chinas nuclear weapons computer program has always been unique among the programs of the five official nuclear weapons states recognized by the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. For a variety of economic, political, and cultural reasons, the Chinese program has had a very different trajectory of development, with different objectives, than those of the other major powers nuclear weapons and missile programs. Chinas nuclear and ballistic missile programs are and have historically been based on the objective of maintaining a level of nuclear deterrence just great enough to preclude any threats by the nuclear superintendent powers. By concentrating on building and maintaining a minimum level of effective deterrence, China can ensure its security while concentrating the maximum amount of its getable resources on much more pressing issues, such as economic development. As a developing country, China did not and does not have the resources to argue as a third superpower in the Cold War world. The Chinese, who for many of the years before 1978 could hardly afford to feed their own people, exclusively could not afford to spend huge sums of money in a costly arms race which they were al most(prenominal) certain to lose. Limited deterrence offered the most efficient solution - just enough capability to reap the security benefits of deterrence while avoiding the costs of producing, maintaining and storing huge stockpiles of nuclear weapons. Why nuclear? The Chinese have always been afraid of invasion of their territory - one of the first projects of the Emperor Qin Shi Huang Di, the first ruler of a united China, was the construction of a Brobdingnagian Great Wall to keep out nomadic barbarian raiders from Inner 200 BC. As a rich agrarian empire, and the most populous state in the world, China has presented a rich target for outsiders for thousands of years, from the Xiongnu of Christs time to Genghis Khan, to Wes tern imperialists and Japanese warlords. The Chinese Communist leadership which came to power in 1949 after a lengthy and bloody civil war grew up during a very tumultuous period in Chinese history. They witnessed the decline of Chinese power within Asia and over its own territory, the fall of the imperial government which had governed China on and off for more than 2000 years, and the encroaching western imperialist powers who began to declare spheres of influence with the unequal treaties system.

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